How to Get Your Documents Authenticated

Authenticating Documents for Use in Cuba

Once you have certified true copies of your documents, which must be issued by your state of residence, you must get these copies “authenticated” by the State Department for international use.

What is Document Authentication?

Authentication is a procedure where the foreign ministry of a country guarantees that a particular document is a real document issued by a governmental authority within this country. The US State Department authenticates your documents by confirming that your certified true copies represent real documents issued by a particular state (or states) in the United States, whether the document is a record of your birth, of your divorce, or of the death of your spouse. If your certified true copies are not authenticated, they cannot be used internationally anywhere.

How to Authenticate Your Certified True Copies for Use in Cuba

To get your documents authenticated, you need to mail, courier or drop off your certified true copies to the State Department in Washington, DC. We strongly suggest speaking to an expert in Cuban marriage before getting your documents authenticated.

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Document Authentication Processing Time

Authentication of your documents takes about 7-10 business days on average. To be safe, you should allow 10 business days (2 weeks) for authentication alone. You don’t want to have to rush to get your documents to the translator and then the Embassy before your flight.

Once your certified true copies are authenticated, it’s time to get them translated into Spanish.

Translating Your Authenticated Documents into Spanish

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